7 Reasons for Humming
https://www.healingsounds.com/7-reasons-for-humming/ Question: 1. Catch yourself humming and tell us about it.
https://www.healingsounds.com/7-reasons-for-humming/ Question: 1. Catch yourself humming and tell us about it.
Looking forward to something can be almost as good as experiencing it.Please read the short annotated article and respond to at least 1 of the prompts.
This month we celebrate women’s contributions to history, culture, and society and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987. The facilitator of our Mind […]
This highlights a winter session of a really fun Zumba program at The Waverly YMCA in Baltimore, Maryland and a resource to assist in increasing one’s healthy habits. The mix of […]
Chalarra Sessoms with the Behavioral Health Administration facilitated the Fall Respite Care Committee Meeting and Annual Respite Care Retreat titled “ReConnecting Respite”. This 3 page collage features organizational resilience in […]
Let us be intentional and celebrate things that make us happy. Happiness is contagious and sharing your happiness can bring a smile to someone’s face. Here we will explore Joy […]
Affirmations are tools to help us speak and acknowledge the good. Let us speak about the good with intensity. Affirmations provide us with a sense of self-worth and support a positive […]
https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_optimism_helps_you_achieve_goals_with_less_stress Questions: 1. When you hear the word optimism what comes to mind? 2. Optimism is a core concept of resilience. How has optimism aided you in a stressful situation? 3. […]
This Kindness exercise allows us to pay attention to what is going on around us so we can be aware in a non-judgmental state and focus on the present. This state of […]
Written by Huck Talwar In the world of behavioral health, there exists peer support: a system in which peers take strong, supportive mentorship roles with others to aid in recovery […]